Na 27. Skupščini Premogovnika Velenje, ki je bila 17. avgusta 2017, je bil sprejet Sklep o preoblikovanju Premogovnika Velenje iz delniške družbe v družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo. Okrožno sodišče v Celju je 23. avgusta 2017 izdalo Sklep o vpisu spremembe v sodni register. S tem je Premogovnik Velenje tudi uradno postal družba z omejeno odgovornostjo.
Po Sklepu je edini in 100 % delničar družbe vseh 74.330.889 delnic pretvoril v poslovni delež oz. osnovni vložek družbe, ki po spremembi znaša 74.330.889 EUR.
Za generalnega direktorja družbe Premogovnik Velenje, d. o. o., je imenovan mag. Ludvik Golob, za direktorico družbe pa je imenovana mag. Mojca Letnik. Generalni direktor in direktorica zastopata družbo skupno.
Kot predstavnika kapitala sta v nadzorni svet družbe imenovana mag. Stojan Nikolić in Uroš Podobnik ter kot predstavnik delavcev Danilo Rednjak.
Člani nadzornega sveta družbe ter njeno poslovodstvo bodo svoje funkcije opravljali do izteka zdajšnjega mandata.
At the 27th Assembly of Premogovnik Velenje, held on 17 August 2017, a Decision was made to reform Premogovnik Velenje from a joint-stock company into a limited liability company. On 23 August 2017, the District Court in Celje issued a Decision on the record of change in the court register. With this, Premogovnik Velenje officially became a limited liability company.
Based on the Decision, the sole and 100% owner of the company converted all of the 74,330,889 shares into business equity, or core company contribution of capital, which amounts to EUR 74,330,889 upon the applied change.
Ludvik Golob M.Sc is appointed as the Director-General of the company Premogovnik Velenje d.o.o., whereas Mojca Letnik M.Sc. is appointed as the Director. The Director-General and the Director together represent the company.
Stojan Nikolič M.Sc. and Uroš Podobnik were appointed to the Supervisory Board of the company as representatives of the capital and Danilo Rednjak as workers' representative.
The members of the Supervisory Board of the company and its management will perform their functions until the end of the current term.