The mission, vision, strategy and management system policy of Premogovnik Velenje
Business Policy of Premogovnik VelenjeAfter 137 years in operation, Premogovnik Velenje keeps building on a solid present, with a vigorous focus on the future. With coal production and development of mining technologies as its core business, this public limited company is inextricably linked to uninterrupted power supply of Slovenia and to the existing and future development of the Šaleška valley. Two of the company’s most important focuses are environmental protection and improving the quality of life for those directly or indirectly related to the company. Statistics show that the Republic of Slovenia covers over half of the country’s energy needs with energy imports. Annual domestic production of primary energy sources (coal, hydro energy, nuclear, and renewable energy sources) accounts for less than half of Slovenia’s total energy consumption. This indicates a very high level of energy dependence of the Republic of Slovenia; in recent years it was between 50 and 55 percent. Amid the even more rapidly rising consumption of liquid fuel, Slovenia’s energy dependence is expected to keep increasing. Each year, Premogovnik Velenje produces about 4 million tonnes of lignite, which is used by Termoelektrarna Šoštanj (the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant, or TEŠ) to generate electricity and heat. Premogovnik Velenje remains an important energy pillar of Slovenia, accounting together with Termoelektrarna Šoštanj for over a third of the country’s electric power production and making an important, reliable link in Slovenia’s electricity supply chain. The operation of Premogovnik Velenje continues to be based on two main courses. One of them is the process of coal production, where we aim to reduce the size of the mine by constantly rationalising our operation. Our second important orientation is the sale of expertise and services in order to increase the total revenues of the PV Group. We have to look for new market opportunities both with our parent company and with the subsidiaries comprising the PV Group. In 2009 for the first time, the number of employees in our subsidiaries exceeded the number of those employed in the parent company. We will continue to provide new jobs, and search for ways to develop new market-oriented ranges of products and services. The primary objective of all our subsidiaries is to gradually reduce their dependence on the parent company. They have to be brought to a level on which they can finance their own development. We will sell our minority interests in the companies that have already become self-reliant and are outside our strategic interest. Another process that has to continue is elimination of unnecessary assets and activities.
Our missionThe mission of Premogovnik Velenje, the leading Slovene mining company, is long-term production of the coal used in electricity generation in the Šaleška valley following the principles of sustainable development, as well as preservation and development of expertise in underground mining.
Our visionWith its long-term business orientation and modern production process, and by guaranteeing safety and a humane approach, Premogovnik Velenje will secure together with TEŠ rational use of the only Slovenian strategic energy source – coal from the Šaleška valley.
Strategic goals- to adapt coal production to the situation in the competitive market, - to guarantee safety and a humane approach in our working process, - to guarantee socially responsible operation of Premogovnik in line with environmental requirements, - to guarantee growth of the PV Group by selling expertise and services in the markets outside our core business.
ValuesSatisfaction of key stakeholders: owners, employees, customers and the local community. We have to initiate creative balance among all of the above: guarantee owners a reasonable return on the invested capital; provide employees with quality jobs and an opportunity to realize their full potential; regularly meet contractual obligations related to coal supplies, which is a prerequisite for long-term economic success; bring good relations with the local community in line with the principles of sustainable development; continue to pay attention to occupational safety, humane working procedures and regular training with special emphasis on encouraging expertise, professional competence and innovation.
Management system policyOur management system policy indicates efforts of the company to: - regularly monitor, measure and assess impacts on health and safety at work, the environment (environmental aspects) and energy efficiency as a consequence of implementing the process of coal production, and provide resources to make improvements with clearly defined goals and programmes, - consistently monitor and meet the requirements set out in legislation, internal regulations and decisions regarding the environment, occupational health and safety, energy management and data protection management, - regularly provide training for our employees in quality, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, data management and energy efficiency, - prevent injuries and illness, - make constant improvements in quality, safety, environment, energy efficiency and data protection, - regularly communicate with our employees, suppliers, customers, inspection services, health organisations and institutes and other stakeholders with the aim to maintain and strengthen mutual trust.
Objectives of the coal mining programme- to optimise the primary process of coal production, - to adjust coal production and sale to the requirements of TEŠ, - to possibly supply coal to other clients (TET ...), - to optimise the cost of coal production in order to achieve a competitive starting coal price by the beginning of Unit 6 operation in 2015 (2.25 EUR/GJ), - to cut energy consumption in the mine and above-ground sites by 10% in the next 5 years, - to reduce the number of employees in Premogovnik and HTZ Velenje in line with productivity growth by 3% per year, in order to implement the company’s development plan, - to create new productive jobs, - to maintain the trend of reducing the level of sick leave due to accidents at work and illness by 3% per year, - to modernise working procedures in preparatory sites.