
Monitoring of seismic activitiesevents on the surroundings of the mining area.

Elaboration of geological and geomechanical opinions.

The department is divided into four segments: geology, hydrogeology, geomechanics and geotechnical laboratory.

The basic tasks performed by the department for the purpose of the lignite excavation process are:
• research of geological, hydrogeological and geomechanical properties of the coal seam and adjacent rock masses, as well as processes taking place during mining,
• provision of design bases for the elaboration of mining projects and elaboration of hydrogeological project sets,
• activities for the provision of unhindered optimal and safe coal production in terms of mine dewatering,
• hydrogeological, geological and geotechnical monitoring, modernisation and implementation of measuring methods and technologies.

Services for external clients (opinions and reports): geological opinions (geological and geomechanical opinions), hydrogeological opinions (for the needs of disposal site monitoring, water reservoir registration, etc.), expert reports on reserves, geotechnical monitoring of anchoring (walls, banks, etc.).

Geotechnical laboratory

Testing of materials for filling the underground facilities (ash, emulgate, pastes), testing of coal, adjacent rock masses and soils (determination of physical and mechanical properties), installation of geotechnical equipment (measuring anchors, one-axis and threeaxis pressure cells, specific deformation meters, extensiometers and inclinations), hydrogeological measurements (measurements of groundwater levels in classical piezometers or piezometers equipped with pressure sensors), geomechanical analyses with a mobile penetration device.

Elaboration of design bases for mining projects.

Geological databases and the coal classification model are used to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the examined layers and to predict the calorific value of the extracted coal.

The permitted face height is calculated based on the Criteria for safe exploitation beneath aquifer layers and the input data (thickness of the isolation layers, water pressure in aquifer sands, excavation depth and geomechanical properties of coal and clay).
The categorisation model is used to define the dimensions of the substructure to support the mine lines.

Premogovnik Velenje d.o.o., Partizanska cesta 78, 3320 Velenje, Slovenija, Tel.: +386 (0) 3 8996 100, Faks: +386 (0) 3 5875 007
Email: info@rlv.si  |  Copyright 2008