The coal mine electrical engineering unit provides electrical engineering services in installation, dismantling and maintenance of mining equipment in the mine and on the surface. The key task of the coal mine electrical engineering unit is to provide reliable power supply and operation of the main ventilation system units and other adjoining facilities on the surface, as well as power supply to all electrical devices in the mine. In addition to the main 6 kV power supply line, there are also electric power systems of lower voltages in the mine, as well as communication devices and devices for the transfer of data inside the mine and to the surface (the coal mine telecommunication system and the safety technology information system), which require electrical, mechanical and mining maintenance. In 2008, the main optical network was installed in the coal mine of Premogovnik Velenje, allowing for new technologies to gain access in the mine. In addition to new technologies, the optical network enables a much greater data transfer capacity than the previously used copper-based networks, which connect devices that will necessarily have to be replaced with more advanced ones.
In the coal mine electrical engineering unit, great emphasis is put on health and safety of our employees, and on reliable and safe operation of electrical devices in the presence of coal mine methane. To this end, we carry out regular periodic inspections of devices and repairs of devices in an electrical repair workshop of HTZ, which is qualified for repairs and maintenance with explosion protection, while employees of the electrical engineering unit receive regular training in safety at work in the mine, and installation and maintenance of equipment with explosion protection.
The coal mine electrical engineering unit is composed of two sections:
• The coal mine electrical engineering unit, which comprises electrical installation, standby, and maintenance,
• the OUTN SM 3J J3 unit – electrical engineering section, which in terms of organisation is part of HTZ.