Mechanical design services

Design of the mechanical component of mining projects for underground and surface works.

Construction of the equipment:
• for the transportation of people and material,
• machinery for the construction of underground workings,
• for face mechanisation.

The mechanical segment of the design services prepares designs and carries out engineering supervision for:
• master planning and site development,
• roadways preparatory sites and faces - mechanical component,
• the mine's supply of industrial and fire water, high pressure emulsion, ash mixes and mine drainage system with the main mine pumping stations,
• transport systems for material conveying and transportation of people by means of conveyor belts, suspended diesel locomotives, transportation units and locomotives on ground tracks as well as conveyance devices in winding shafts,
• transport system for the hydraulic flow of ash mixes,
• coal crushing and sieving systems.

The mechanical segment is also engaged in designing electrical and machine equipment in tunnel construction and energy facilities, in installation and introduction of mechanised technology in quarries, construction of transportation devices and other constructions.

Premogovnik Velenje d.o.o., Partizanska cesta 78, 3320 Velenje, Slovenija, Tel.: +386 (0) 3 8996 100, Faks: +386 (0) 3 5875 007
Email: info@rlv.si  |  Copyright 2008